The Red Labyrinth
Ben Peek
The Red Labyrinth is the story of the anarchist Zoja Rose.
Presented to the reader as a speech given by Zoja’ s most infamous disciple, the prostitute Illanana, The Red Labyrinth tells of the violent histories of the Red King and the Black Queen, the twisted maze they lived in, and the cruel, tattooed monks who oversaw their rule.
Written by the critically acclaimed author Ben Peek, this dark fantasy brings his stylistic resourcefulness to bare in a compelling vortex of a short novel that is at once an existential journey, a harrowing exploration of the abuse of power, and a violent call to arms.
About the Author
Ben Peek is the author of The Godless, Leviathan’s Blood, The Eternal Kingdom, Above/Below, Twenty-Six Lies/One Truth, Black Sheep, and Dead Americans and Other Stories. He is the is also the creator of the psychogeographical ’zine, The Urban Sprawl Project, and the autobiographical comic, Nowhere Near Savannah. He lives in Sydney, Australia, with his partner and two cats.
Paperback, 126 pages. Release date: May 6, 2025
ISBN-13: 978-1-64525-168-2
Price: US$16.00